The University of Texas at Dallas
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UTeach Dallas Portfolio Check Sheet

Final score at end of AT must meet or exceed: 4 in first 3 sections, 2 in other sections.

SectionPortfolio ScoreComments
Philosophy Statement (K&L)0 1 2 3 4
Cover Letter (CI)0 1 2 3 4
Résumé (CI)0 1 2 3 4
Website Creation (PBI)0 1 2 3 4
Equity and Inclusive Design (CI)0 1 2 3 4
Artifacts (any exemplary lesson plans)0 1 2 3 4
Reflections on Improvement Area0 1 2 3 4

Many of these have multiple sections. Be sure that you are completing every section.


Unsatisfactory—0 points

The reflection is not submitted or lacks evidence where it is reasonable to expect evidence. The reflection is not clearly related to the proficiency. The reflection is not clearly written and proof-read or is unprofessional in tone. The proficiency demonstrates a lack of control over the basics of grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Beginning Competent—1 point

The reflection displays a limited understanding of the main ideas in the proficiency, is merely descriptive, or superficial. Evidence may be only marginally related to the proficiency or it is not made clear how the evidence relates. The reflection should be clearly written and proof-read and demonstrate a basic command over the conventions of spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Competent—2 points

The reflection displays a general understanding of the proficiency, moving beyond basic description and into thoughtful reflection, including the importance of the proficiency’s main idea and/or possibilities for improvement. The evidence is clearly related to the proficiency. The reflection may discuss the implications for the students and teacher. The proficiency is clearly written, proof-read, and demonstrates control over the basics of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Competent—3 points

The reflection displays a clear understanding of the proficiency, moving beyond simple description and into thoughtful reflection, including the importance of the proficiency’s main idea as well as possibilities for improvement. The evidence is strongly related to the proficiency. The reflection discusses the implications for the students and teacher. The proficiency is clearly written, proof-read, and demonstrates control over the basics of grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Advanced Competent—4 points

The student displays a comprehensive understanding of the proficiency and proposes ideas for improvement. The student also discusses the implications of the proficiency for the secondary student and for the teacher. Evidence is clearly and strongly related to the proficiency and contributes significantly to the clarity of the reflection. The proficiency is well-organized, proof-read, and logical. The student demonstrates more than a basic command of grammar, spelling, and punctuation, with few if any errors.