Apprentice Teaching
Apprentice Teaching
Apprentice (Clinical) Teaching at UTeach Dallas is the final segment in the professional education sequence. Students will complete 14 weeks of supervised apprentice teaching in a local school district during the fall or spring semester. This cooperative venture between UTeach Dallas and the public schools represents the practical application of the teaching/learning process.
Applications for Apprentice Teaching will be accepted before October 1 to teach in the spring semester, and before March 1 to teach in the fall semester.
Note: Future apprentice teachers must request a placement early during the long semester prior to apprentice teaching.
Application for Apprentice (Clinical) Teaching
UTeach Dallas Master Teachers will review all applications for Apprentice Teaching. To be eligible, Apprentice Teacher candidates must adhere to high ethical standards, exhibit professional maturity, have acceptable class attendance, and meet the following requirements:
- Pass required TExES exams.
- Complete all required professional development (UTeach Dallas) courses with a 3.00 GPA
- Complete all required course work with a cumulative 2.75 GPA.
- Have no grade lower than “C-” in any courses in your teaching specialization.
- Have no grade lower than a “C-” in your Step 1/2 courses and a “C-” in your higher level UTeach Dallas courses.
- Request a school where no family member works or attends.
- Have clear district criminal background check.
Students will register with UT Dallas for six semester hours of credit in Apprentice Teaching plus the one-hour Apprentice Teaching Seminar.
An Apprentice Teaching fee will be included in the total registration charges. Students must be registered and payment received (installment payment is an option) before beginning Apprentice Teaching. All professional development courses must have been completed, and it is recommended that no other courses be taken during student teaching.
Apprentice Teaching Portfolio
The AT portfolio MUST BE completed and approved during your AT semester in order to be certified.